Homemade Electromagnetic Microphone
This microphone is made up of just headphones, a piece of foam, and a paper towel roll. You cut off the ear pieces and open the mic from the headphones. Since the microphone is still active in the headphones it will pick up noises. The foam acts at the barrier so nothing can damage the mic.
Fruit Battery
My battery is made up of a grapefruit, copper wire, pennies, and galvanized nails. The copper and zinc work as the electrodes. As for the grapefruit, it follows the role of the electrolyte. The cathode is the zinc (galvanized nail) and the anode takes the form of copper.
Rube Goldberg Machine
Project Description: During this project we created a RGM that has to do with something going on. A RGM is a series of simple machines that create a chain of effects leading to a final product of something happening as a result of the effects.
RGM Video
The conservation of energy is when energy can’t be made nor taken away. This would happen when your rube isn't in motion or pauses for a second. In my rube this happens when the marble is sitting in the lever waiting to be hit by the dominos. The marble isn't moving because it is suspended by the lever making no motion therefore none can be added or taken away.
Simple machines are the basic machines that make up other more complicated ones. They are important because without them we couldn't make the other more complicated ones that help us in everyday life. For example one of the 6 simple machines is a wheel and axle. Without that we wouldn't have cars and couldn't get to the places we need to go.
In my rube all of these are present.
Lever: the lever that i used was a lego shovel ;second 5
Inclined plane: i used this to slow down the marble ;second 13
Screw: i used this as one of my challenge steps it is a spiral that the marble goes into; second 22
Wheel and axle: the wheel and axle is a trolley that picks up a marble; second 15
Wedge: I used the wedge right before the trolley to guide the marble into hitting the trolley in order to make it move; second 14
Pulley: you can't exactly see the pulley in the video but it was used to guide the trolley up the ramp; all of the video
For my challenge step I used two of the options provided first I used the 360 loop and I also used the 720 spiral. How I constructed these was by using pump tubes for water crafts. Since these are malleable tubes it was easy to bend them into the shapes that I wanted. It was also perfect because they fit a marble perfectly inside of them.
My number one takeaway from this project is how much the simple machines are used in everyday life making them super important to the modern world. They are everywhere and in things that you wouldn't even think about. My greatest challenge during this project was figuring out how to incorporate a pulley into my RGM. This was difficult because it is a complicated machine to work with contrary to popular belief because it is one of the simple machines. The reason that it was complicated is because it had to be balanced perfectly with a specific amount of weight on one side. I finally figured out where to use it and the perfect amount of weight after working on it for a while. I think that my greatest strength during this project was my creativity. I think this because while designing my rube on paper I had so many ideas for what i could make and the options were endless. It sparked my creativity and I had a really good time coming up with what I was going to do.
Simple machines are the basic machines that make up other more complicated ones. They are important because without them we couldn't make the other more complicated ones that help us in everyday life. For example one of the 6 simple machines is a wheel and axle. Without that we wouldn't have cars and couldn't get to the places we need to go.
In my rube all of these are present.
Lever: the lever that i used was a lego shovel ;second 5
Inclined plane: i used this to slow down the marble ;second 13
Screw: i used this as one of my challenge steps it is a spiral that the marble goes into; second 22
Wheel and axle: the wheel and axle is a trolley that picks up a marble; second 15
Wedge: I used the wedge right before the trolley to guide the marble into hitting the trolley in order to make it move; second 14
Pulley: you can't exactly see the pulley in the video but it was used to guide the trolley up the ramp; all of the video
For my challenge step I used two of the options provided first I used the 360 loop and I also used the 720 spiral. How I constructed these was by using pump tubes for water crafts. Since these are malleable tubes it was easy to bend them into the shapes that I wanted. It was also perfect because they fit a marble perfectly inside of them.
My number one takeaway from this project is how much the simple machines are used in everyday life making them super important to the modern world. They are everywhere and in things that you wouldn't even think about. My greatest challenge during this project was figuring out how to incorporate a pulley into my RGM. This was difficult because it is a complicated machine to work with contrary to popular belief because it is one of the simple machines. The reason that it was complicated is because it had to be balanced perfectly with a specific amount of weight on one side. I finally figured out where to use it and the perfect amount of weight after working on it for a while. I think that my greatest strength during this project was my creativity. I think this because while designing my rube on paper I had so many ideas for what i could make and the options were endless. It sparked my creativity and I had a really good time coming up with what I was going to do.
Photographs of Physics Project
During this project, we dived into light and how it works in the physics sense. The end product was a photograph that we had taken that either uses light to take the photo or a photo that demonstrates the light phenomena.
The Suns Reflection
In this photograph, you will see an example of reflection. The sun coming from the sky is hitting the water at an angle and then bouncing off into a different direction causing little dots of light on the water.
I think that my greatest strength during this project was the creative part of it. When doing this project we could choose what we wanted and it was very hands-on even for having COVID-19 hold us back from going to school five days a week. One example of when creativity was able to bloom was when we did the camera obscura. This was one of the more exciting activities I have done. We essentially build the inside of a camera on a big scale so that we could fit into this camera. We let outside light into a dark room we had made out of black sheets and the physics took action making an image appear on the opposing wall.
One of my greatest challenges during this project was the fact that we had to do school work in the midst of a pandemic. I found this very hard to work through and couldn’t do my best work due to this. I still haven’t fully overcome this but one of the ways that I cope with it is making sure that homework and school work come first before other forms of entertainment. Doing my work to make sure i do well in school is more important than going on social media. This might seem like an easy task but it is tough to have that kind of discipline, especially when it is right in front of you.
My biggest takeaway will definitely be how cameras work. Ever since I learned about how cameras work I have been very interested in them and curious about other things regarding how cameras can take a picture. I specifically became interested in this when we got to take our own pictures with photographic paper. Even though mine didn't turn out I want to know how it does work if it had turned out. I even bought some more photographic paper and intend to take more pictures using it.
I think that I grew as a scientist through this project by just simply learning more about science and specifically physics. One day when we had in-person classes Tina (my physics teacher) showed us how sand makes different shapes based on the sound frequency being played. This and other small but equally exciting day projects that we did really made this class a lot more fun and made me grow so much more.
I think that I could have done better on this project and that is a good thing because that means there is room for improvement. If I could change something that I did in order to improve how I think that I did for this project it would be the outcome of my photographic paper photo. The photo that I took didnt turn out and if I were to re-do it and have it come out that would make me happier about it. I think that if it had worked I would have had a lot more experience than I feel like I do now.
One of my greatest challenges during this project was the fact that we had to do school work in the midst of a pandemic. I found this very hard to work through and couldn’t do my best work due to this. I still haven’t fully overcome this but one of the ways that I cope with it is making sure that homework and school work come first before other forms of entertainment. Doing my work to make sure i do well in school is more important than going on social media. This might seem like an easy task but it is tough to have that kind of discipline, especially when it is right in front of you.
My biggest takeaway will definitely be how cameras work. Ever since I learned about how cameras work I have been very interested in them and curious about other things regarding how cameras can take a picture. I specifically became interested in this when we got to take our own pictures with photographic paper. Even though mine didn't turn out I want to know how it does work if it had turned out. I even bought some more photographic paper and intend to take more pictures using it.
I think that I grew as a scientist through this project by just simply learning more about science and specifically physics. One day when we had in-person classes Tina (my physics teacher) showed us how sand makes different shapes based on the sound frequency being played. This and other small but equally exciting day projects that we did really made this class a lot more fun and made me grow so much more.
I think that I could have done better on this project and that is a good thing because that means there is room for improvement. If I could change something that I did in order to improve how I think that I did for this project it would be the outcome of my photographic paper photo. The photo that I took didnt turn out and if I were to re-do it and have it come out that would make me happier about it. I think that if it had worked I would have had a lot more experience than I feel like I do now.